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--- Цитировать ---Советую обратить внимание на фильтр Wavelet Sharpen в GIMP.
--- Конец цитаты ---
Спасибо, я вот именно про такой плагин ещё не слышал. Вот нашёл несколько интересных ссылок на эту тему:


Выглядит весьма впечатляюще. Очень интересно.

Wavelet decompose   http://registry.gimp.org/node/11742
Wavelet denoise   http://registry.gimp.org/node/4235
Wavelet sharpen   http://registry.gimp.org/node/9836

Обнаружился ещё один интересный алгоритм. Называется "Deconvolution".


Превращает размытое изображение в резкое.

Примеры с картинками:


Вот исходный код Wiener deconvolution для Matlab и картинка, иллюстрирующая его действие:


Проект с исходниками:


--- Цитировать ---Iterative refocus GIMP plug-in can be used to refocus images acquired by a defocused camera, blurred by gaussian or motion blur or any combination of these. Adaptive or static area smoothing can be used to remove the so called \"ringing\" effect.
--- Конец цитаты ---

--- Цитировать ---This is a Gimp plugin for noise-removal, similar to the selective gaussian blur plugin, but much faster in many cases. It also includes an extension that improves the performance of the bilateral filter/selective Gaussian blur on image gradients.
--- Конец цитаты ---

--- Цитировать ---Our project deals with methods to improve quality of blurred images. You can add your blurred images and restore the image.
--- Конец цитаты ---

ImageJ Plugins - очень мощный набор с изобилием готовых сложных алгоритмов. Один из наиболее ценных источников алгоритмов ИМХО:

--- Цитировать ---Fourier consists of several toolboxes that implement operations such as image I/O, geometric transformations, color space conversions, noise removal, smoothing, enhancement, morphology, edge detection, thresholding, segmentation, and visual (shape, color, texture) feature extraction.
--- Конец цитаты ---

--- Цитировать ---The Camellia Library includes a lot of functions for image processing (filtering, morphological mathematics, labelling, warping, drawing, project/backproject, color conversion, loading/saving images, etc.), most of them being highly speed-optimized. Fully interoperable with OpenCV, though easier to use.
--- Конец цитаты ---

--- Цитировать ---The pymorph Morphology Toolbox for Python is a powerful collection of latest state-of-the-art gray-scale morphological tools that can be applied to image segmentation, non-linear filtering, pattern recognition and image analysis.
--- Конец цитаты ---

--- Цитировать ---The LTI-Lib is an object oriented library with algorithms and data structures frequently used in image processing and computer vision. It has been developed at the Chair of Technical Computer Science (Lehrstuhl fuer Technische Informatik) LTI at the Aachen University of Technology, as part of many research projects in computer vision dealing with robotics, object recognition and sing language and gesture recognition.
--- Конец цитаты ---

--- Цитировать ---EPSILON is a powerful Open Source wavelet image compressor. The project is aimed on parallel and robust image processing.
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--- Цитировать ---Medical Image Computing Workflow (MICFlow) is a simple, easy but flexible, extensible and powerful workflow system to automate medical image computing tasks such as segmentation, registration and analysis. It's pure Python so can be used on any platform
--- Конец цитаты ---

--- Цитировать ---A multi-platform collection of C++ software libraries for Computer Vision and Image Understanding.
--- Конец цитаты ---

Самодельные алгоритмы для Matlab

Взяты отсюда: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/?term=tag%3A%22image+processing%22

Edge Preserving Smoothing

--- Цитировать ---A common technique for removing noise from images is by blurring them with a weighted mean or a Gaussian filter. Through these processes noise reduction is achieved, but unfortunately, valuable information is lost and the details of object boundaries are
deformed. A solution to this problem, especially for document images, is the use of an edge preserving smoothing technique (adaptive mean filter) where the amount of blurring for each pixel is determined after gathering local information in a specified
neighborhood . In this approach, we use a simple and effective EPSF, which performs its task with low computation time.
--- Конец цитаты ---

Fast Deconvolution

--- Цитировать ---This function deconvolves one extremely large vector out of another extremely large vector very quickly. Enormous gains in speed are due to the use of two fft's and an ifft. To find out how to use this program, put it in you 'work' folder and type "help fdeconv".
--- Конец цитаты ---

2-D Savitzky-Golay Smoothing Filter

--- Цитировать ---2-D Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter (i.e., the polynomial smoothing
filter, or the least-squares smoothing filter)
--- Конец цитаты ---
Кажется, фильтр с таким именем применялся для чего-то в Scan Tailor. Только вот не помню, для чего именно.

Image Edge Enhancing Coherence Filter Toolbox

--- Цитировать ---This toolbox will perform Anisotropic Non-Linear Diffusion filtering on a 2D gray/color or 3D image. This filtering will reduce the image noise while preserving the region edges, and also enhancing the edges by smoothing along them.
--- Конец цитаты ---
Там даже есть картиночка, иллюстрирующая действие фильтра (шумоподавление).

Bilateral Filtering

--- Цитировать ---Bilateral filtering was proposed by Tomasi and Manduchi in 1998 as a non-iterative method for edge-preserving smoothing.
--- Конец цитаты ---
Есть картиночка, иллюстрирующая действие фильтра (размытие).

Duffusion Filtering for Image Denoising

--- Цитировать ---An assortment of diffusion based image filtering methods:
1. Linear Diffusion Filtering using heat equations - solved using both implicit and explicit Euler methods.
2. Edge Enhancing Linear Anisotropic Diffusion Filtering.
3. Edge Enhancing Non-linear Anisotropic Diffusion Filtering.
--- Конец цитаты ---
Есть картиночка, иллюстрирующая действие фильтра (размытие).

Lee filter

--- Цитировать ---Lee filter for reducing speckle noise in images.
--- Конец цитаты ---

Image segmentation using Otsu thresholding

--- Цитировать ---IDX = OTSU(I,N) segments the image I into N classes by means of Otsu's N-thresholding method. OTSU returns an array IDX containing the cluster indices (from 1 to N) of each point.
IDX = OTSU(I) uses two classes (N=2, default value).
[IDX,sep] = OTSU(I,N) also returns the value (sep) of the separability criterion within the range [0 1]. Zero is obtained only with data having less than N values, whereas one (optimal value) is obtained only with N-valued arrays.

If I is an RGB image, a Karhunen-Loeve transform is first performed on the three R,G,B channels. The segmentation is then carried out on the image component that contains most of the energy.
--- Конец цитаты ---
Есть картиночка, иллюстрирующая действие фильтра.

Discrete (co)sine transform (and its inverse)
Одно из этих преобразований применяется в JPEG-кодировщике. Оно близко по эффекту к Karhunen-Loeve transform - только более быстрое.

Variable blur, gradient blur
Есть картиночка, иллюстрирующая действие фильтра.

Image segmentation using statistical region merging
Есть картиночка, иллюстрирующая действие фильтра.

The INface toolbox for illumination invariant face recognition
Есть картиночка, иллюстрирующая действие фильтра.

--- Цитировать ---The INFace (Illumination Normalization techniques for robust Face recognition) toolbox is a collection of Matlab functions and scripts intended to help researchers working in the filed of face recognition. The toolbox was produced as a byproduct of my research work. It includes implementations of the following photometric normalization techniques: the single-scale-retinex algorithm, the multi-scaleretinex algorithm, the single-scale self quotient image, the multi-scale self quotient image, the homomorphic-filtering-based normalization technique, a wavelet-based normalization technique, a wevelet denoising-based normalization technique, the isotropic-diffusion-based normalization technique, the anisotropic diffusion-based normalization technique, the non-local means-based normalization technique, the adaptive non-local-means-based normalization technique, the DCT-based normalization technique and a normalization technique based on steerable filters. In addition to the listed techniques there are also a number of histogram manipulation functions included in the toolbox, which can be useful for the task of illumination invariant face recognition.

In addition to the functions listed above, the toolbox contains a detail user-manual and several demos with examples of usage of the individual functions.

I will try to post the original publication associated with the database as soon as I get the permission of the publisher for doing so.

Please report any bugs you find, so I can improve the toolbox.
--- Конец цитаты ---

Kalman filter for noisy movies

--- Цитировать ---Implements a predictive Kalman-like filter in the time domain of the image stack. Algorithm taken from Java code by C.P. Mauer. http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/plugins/kalman.html
--- Конец цитаты ---

Есть картиночка, иллюстрирующая действие фильтра.
Весьма любопытный фильтр. На вид что-то вроде постеризации.

Есть картиночка, иллюстрирующая действие фильтра.

--- Цитировать ---IMGAUSSIAN filters an 1D, 2D color/greyscale or 3D image with a Gaussian filter.

Instead of using a multidimensional Gaussian kernel, it uses the fact that a Gaussian kernel can be separated in 1D kernels.

By the default the code uses IMFILTER for the filtering. But also a cache efficient MEX / c-code implementation is included. Compile with: "mex imgaussian.c -v"


Comparison time needed to filter image volume of 512x512x512 with Gaussian kernel of sigma 1:
- 90.8 seconds : Imfilter with 3D gaussian kernel
- 21.8 seconds : Imgaussian using imfilter
- 8.18 seconds : Imgaussian using the MEX file

For small 2D images ( < 1024x1024 ) or large kernels (sigma 10), Imgaussian using imfilter is faster than the MEX file. This is because imfilter uses the "Intel Performance Primitives Library", and the MEX file only normal cache optimized c-code.
--- Конец цитаты ---

Есть картиночка, иллюстрирующая работу.

--- Цитировать ---Inspired By Adobe Photoshop.
Thanks to Faisal Baig for codes of Motion Blur,Laplace Filter and Usm filter.
Its actually inspired by many of my earlier made functions.
I would love to extend this software to show the real capabilities of MATLAB.

This software took me quite a bit of time.
I hope there are no bugs, but if any bugs are found however small they are,
please report them to me.

Comments are important as these encourage we all matlab authors to better furnish,
remove minor bugs and helps to make better codes.
Specially while working with many guis at the sametime makes it complex,so I really think
that codes could be improved.
So, please put in your valuable inputs, those are most welcome.
--- Конец цитаты ---

Image Halftoning by Jarvis Method
Есть картиночка, иллюстрирующая действие фильтра.

--- Цитировать ---Digital halftoning is the process of converting a continuous-tone images into strictly black and white images such that, when viewed by the human visual system, the pattern creates an illusion of being a continuous shade of gray.

The binary image created by halftoning is used in binary display devices, such as desktop inkjet printers.

In this program, the input gray image will be converted into halftone image of same size using Jarvis's Error Diffusion Method.
--- Конец цитаты ---

color Image Segmentation

Illumumination Compensation in RGB space


--- Цитировать ---Brightness is represented by its Luminance. Color information of an image is present in its Chrominance. This Chrominance consists of Hue and Saturation.

This code adjusts all these-Luminance,Hue and Saturation to their correct levels and thus corrects the brightness & color levels.
--- Конец цитаты ---

Есть картиночка, иллюстрирующая действие фильтра.

--- Цитировать ---Auto Enhancement : This Code auto enhances the images, by working on their brightness, color and contrasts. Results are shown for reference :)
--- Конец цитаты ---


--- Цитировать ---Brightness information is present in its Luminance. This code adjusts this luminance thus correcting the brightness level.
--- Конец цитаты ---

Есть картиночка, иллюстрирующая действие фильтра.

--- Цитировать ---Automatically adjusts the contrast of images(color/gray) to the "optimum" level, using contrast stretching.
--- Конец цитаты ---

Есть картиночка, иллюстрирующая действие фильтра.

--- Цитировать ---Color information of an image is present in its Chrominance. This Chrominance consists of Hue and Saturation. This code adjusts both Hue and Saturation to "correct" levels and thus "corrects" the color level.
--- Конец цитаты ---


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