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DjVu / djvu for tablets: ipad, kindle, nexus, surface, etc
« : 15 ДХТаРЫм 2013, 19:23:28 »
What djvu applications exist for these tablets?

Say iPad, Kindle, Google Nexus, Microsoft Surface, Nook HD, Samsung Galaxy, Sony Xperia,...


DjVu iPad Reader http://djvuipad.com/
DjVu Reader http://www.pasacreation.com/ https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/djvu-reader/id417854435?mt=8


Don't know of any.


EBookDroid https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.ebookdroid
VuViewer http://handheld.softpedia.com/get/Word-Processing-Text-Tools/Document-Viewer/VuViewer-118249.shtml


WinDJView works on Windows 8, so this might work at least on Pro. Don't know about RT.

DjVu / Full fledged color scanning with OCR
« : 05 ДХТаРЫм 2013, 19:40:50 »

I have already scanned several books using 300 dpi tiff scans -> scantailor -> djvusolo or djvusmall.
However now I want to scan books with many large color illustrations on every page, a background that is not white, colored text and I want to OCR it.

Can someone tell me what's the best way to do this?
For an A4 page with a full page color photo what size can I expect?
If I use a tiff scan at 300dpi about 20MB (600 dpi, about 60MB), a scantailor process at 300 dpi (600dpi) output and a djvusolo saving at Photo 300 dpi (600 dpi), I get a file of about 500 KB (about 3 MB).
The 600 dpi image quality is great.
But the 300dpi case has some areas a bit blurry after scantailor and djvusolo.

Can we do better with djvu imager for example?
Is there another way?
I have been discussing this on LibraryGenesis forum here: http://genofond.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6733&start=20
People have told me about didjvu and img2djvu, but I have not yet tried them.

So imagine that, as an example, I want to scan and OCR these sample pages:


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